About Me

Who Am I?

Hi, I'm Andrés. I was born and raised in Madrid, Spain. Afterwards, I lived for two years in Finland where I did my exchange studies and later started my Double Degree Master. In August 2019 I moved to Stockholm, Sweden where I finished my Master's Degree (click here to jump to education and experience.)

What do I do?

Here is some of my expertise


When I first programmed an HTML website in highschool I discovered my passion for programming. I could lose track of time while I was coding. Later on, when I started my Bachelor I learnt C, C++, Python and some other languages and I knew programming could be a great tool. I then kept using it in my projects, such as, remotely controlling a Neato Cleaning Robot or a bluetooth-controlled sensor placer tool for ABB.

International and intercultural

One of the skills I acquired in the last years is how to work in a multicultural and multidisciplinary team. My experience in Finland is that the cultural disparity with respect to my country is quite noticeable. Added to the bast amount of international students that I have studied and worked with, I got used to work in really different environments and cultures.


I have some experience on designing circuits for product development. I have worked for a Startup in Finland called Aalto Explorer where I designed and manufactured in house the electronics that the product needed. From early testing in a breadboard, translating it to KiCAD, etching the PCB, soldering, programming and testing.

Machine Learning

Supervised and unsupervised learning, Bayesian decision theory, parametric methods, tuning model complexity, dimensionality reduction, clustering, nonparametric methods, decision trees, comparing and combining algorithms, as well as a few applications of these methods. Scalable frameworks to parallelize machine learning algorithms. Distributed machine learning algorithms, e.g., distributed linear regression and distributed logistic regression. Linear algebra, probability theory and numerical computation. Deep neural networks. Regularization and optimization for training deep neural networks. Sequence modelling.

Quick Prototyping

I love putting my ideas into action and to learn by doing. I am a really hands-on person who enjoys the whole process of ideation and concept creation and getting ones hands dirty. This part of me started when I enrolled to ASROB (Association of Robotics) at UC3M where I learnt about Drones and 3D printing among other things.

Education and experience

My timeline

Electronics Engineer at Hollbium AB, Stockholm, Sweden Feb 2020- July 2020

As part of my Master Thesis I worked at Hollbium AB, a company that brings a vertical garden where you can grow your leafy greens at the office. My task was to develop an IoT electronics board that controls the system. The focus was to map user needs into requirements and to ensure scalability.

Bachelor Thesis at UC3M June 2018

My thesis topic was Thermal Vision-Based Mapping for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in which I addapted and expanded the state-of-the-art software ORB-SLAM 2 to work with thermal cameras and explore their possibilities. It turned out to be graded as 9 out of 10. My bachelor thesis can be found here.

Erasmus at Aalto University Sep 2017- June 2018

My Erasmus experience in Aalto University broaden my view on the world and how theory applies in practice. It was really satisfying to apply my knowledge and validate what I learnt in Spain in a real project.

Bachelor's degree in Industrial Electronics and Automation Engineering 2013-2018

I studied my Bachelor in Madrid at UC3M. I am happy to say that I have a holistic picture of Industrial Engineering due to a solid base on Physics, Math and Coding;broad knowledge in the different branches of Industrial Engineering. These branches include Thermal eng., Structural eng., Management, Material Science... On top of that my specialization track was Electronics and Automation. For more info click here.
My Specialty

Tools & Libraries

In this section I want to show you my skills on several programs in which I weight my time spent and familiarity with the tool.


MS Catia

Solid Edge


MS Project

MS Excel

MS Word




Sci-Kit Learn



My Specialty


Here you can see my coding skills. You can see my confidence on my expertise in each coding language. One might say this is a bit subjective way of presenting my skills, although, I think that at least it gives you a glance on my skills.










My Specialty


My interest into automation started at the robotics association at UC3M where I first saw a 3D printer temperature controller (PID) and it soon captured my attention. I studied the basic Control theory and Signal processing courses where I learnt classical control, discrete control, state space and valuable tools such as Nyquist diagrams and bode plots... But it wasn't until I did my Erasmus exchange in Finland when I exploited the base knowledge I obtained in the basic courses. I took courses on Stochastic Models and Estimation, Simulation of dynamic systems and a course that I loved, Model-Based Control Systems. I added to my toolbox advanced controllers and estimators such as LQ, LQG, optimal control, Robust Control, IMC and Model Predictive Control (this one I really enjoyed it) as well as Kalman Filters of all flavours (KF, EKF, UKF).

My Specialty


The main focus of my Bachelor was Electronics where I learnt the theory and practice of this field. Although, it was in Helsinki, during a course called Product Development Project were I actually needed to design, test and manufacture my ideas. I quickly understood that the theory I learnt was really valuable, at the same time that I realized that having a systematic way to test and debug is highly important to get things to work.

Key tools: Power Electronics, Analog Electronics, Sensor conditioning, PCB etching, KiCAD, SMD and THT soldering, FPGA, communication protocols, Microprocessors.

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